Welcome to Fostering Social Emotional Learning!
Hi! Welcome to our online course Fostering Social Emotional Learning!
We are thrilled to be offering you this course! Before we begin, let me tell you a tiny bit about who we are! At Intentional Early Learning Consulting, we provide professional development to early childhood programs and teaching teams and provide practical trainings to groups of caregivers of young children. We focus our consulting efforts on strengthening intentionality in all that we do with young children, by interacting with purpose to provide children with the utmost respect and care they deserve while elevating their relationships. We also have the unique ability to provide families with deeper understandings around human behavior: how it operates and how it can be guided in new directions. I am Sara Yessenow, currently a behavior analyst, early childhood education adjunct professor, and former kindergarten and first grade teacher of 9 years.
Today we aim to provide you with thoughtful applications to support young children in their emotional and social development! My name is Zeba McGibbon and I taught kindergarten, first, and third grade for 7 years and currently teach 2nd grade. I founded a curriculum resource company several years ago called Kindergarten Cafe and have led several teacher trainings for my district’s professional development series. So it was natural that Sara and I came together to found IELC! For the last two years we have presented for Boston University students, the Boston Public Library’s parent series, local school teaching teams and childcare staff, and virtual forums and conferences throughout Massachusetts.